König houses lntroduction
From Wholesaler to Pre-Assembled House Specialist

ln the year of 2016 the decision has been made that a brand new company shall be started after mytool wholesaler company – established in 1991. The new company – King Houses – dealing with anentirely new area, where houses and buildings built in a smart and economical, quick and goodquality manner are now affordable while their maintenance is also low-cost.
The story started in March 2016, when I was in the USA, in the Las Vegas area. 1 noticed that lots ofgated communities are being built on huge areas, and this is done in a much more cleanly, trash-less,orderly fashion than what I was used to before.
The buildings were growing really fast, without anytrucks, concrete mixers or cranes. When I got home in April, 1 found a post about this constructionscheme on Facebook, which I looked into more specifi cally.
1 found this technology really smart, because it is precise, it uses pre-assembled solutions, and theengineering plans and building-joinery workshop manufacturing takes up about 90% of the work.After that, the parts just need to be assembled on site from max. 1m x 3m pieces.
After I found thesuppliers who can provide the materials needed to build the King-Houses, professional designers,enthusiastic helpers from family and friends, and construction experts, the fi rst KING panel (lnsulatedBuilding Panel in English SIP, Structural lnsulated Panel) building know-how has been created, theKing-Houses Technology.
László Király – KingPanel